Saturday, February 09, 2008

My Main Man.

My baby godbrother is adorable. You really have no idea until you meet him. I am in love with the above picture of him. Thank God he stayed still long enough for me to take it. He's at that age where he just wants to crawl and grab at anything (it was my camera the day I took the picture). Every time I give him a spoonful of apple sauce, he goes "Mmmmmmm" in the cutest way possible. Haha. The other day, my sister and I were laughing at him and he got mad and started yelling. It was hysterical. Ah, he's just really the best.

I love my boyfriend. Just throwing it out there. :)

I hate not doing anything. But I like where my life is right now. I can't wait until Spring because that's when everything begins to speed up and I'll be able to go out.

I was going to write something meaningful, but I'm lazy. I do have something in mind though. I'll save that until later. Cheers.

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