Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hidden Messages.

I haven't really written in here in awhile. I mean, I've started other posts, but I haven't finished them. They're always half-written, half-thought out, half-meaningful. So I guess this is going to be my official post since April.

May 10th
That was pretty fun. I didn't expect it to be that way actually. I thought it was just gonna be some regular party, but it was really intimate. I tried to make my 18 candles as heartfelt as I could, considering I only had like an hour to write them. My feet were dying from all that dancing. I've never danced so much in my life. Haha. What's funny is that a bunch of people were surprised I invited both my exes to the party. I guess it's sort of unusual, but I like to keep things good between us. Even if it's hard at times, you know. All in all, it was wonderful and the decorations were gorgeous. Everyone was so generous with the presents. I got a total of $3,500 and a bunch of gifts. I'm extremely grateful. You have no idea. I don't have many pictures that I took so I'm waiting on a copy of the ones my Ninong took.

May 11th
My godbrother Sami's first birthday! This was more of a kid's party. Cupcakes. Balloons. A caricature artist. Games. I still had fun though. Free food. :) & I got a caricature done so I have that hanging in my room. Anyway, I love Sami! He keeps me so sane.
I'm starting to get lazy...

May 16th
Prooom. This is what basically every Senior looks forward to. It was pretty fun. I kind of expected more out of it. The DJ wasn't exactly the best and the songs he picked sounded all the same to me. So I sat out for some songs. Everyone looked good. :) Unfortunately, Frankie & I came a little late so we missed the group pictures. The party bus was a bit cramped. Some people had to sit on top of one another or had to stand. That sucked. I love Mr. Del Prete. I'm gonna miss him tons when I graduate. He's just one of those guys that brightens your day, even when he tries to be mean. We went to New York afterwards. The ride there seemed to take long and I was exhausted so I kept dozing off. When we got there, it was still freezing and rainy. I'm pretty sure that's why I got a sore throat. We were allowed to walk around until 2 AM, but Frankie & I decided to chill on the bus with like three other people. It was nice. Honestly, I miss talking to him like that. Face to face, not through AIM or any online device. It was like we were back to how we were Junior year. But that's just me. Oh well. After awhile, most people started coming back and all that. I sort of slept for the most part on the way home. We didn't get back to Erica's until 3 AM. Frankie was knocked out. I think RJ & Kristine were the only ones who were awake; like really awake. Thanks to Starbucks. I got home around 3:30 and totally knocked out until 12:30. Good sleep.

May 17th
Dance recital. I got there at 6:30. Oh man, I felt so bad. I had NO idea I was supposed to be there for the second show so my partner had to pretend catch me. Hahaha. I felt horrible, but I wasn't in trouble. I was in the gym by myself most of the time cause everyone in my class either had a ton of numbers to perform or were on staff. I was busy texting Keisha. Anyway, our number went well. Lalala, I got a medal for participating and a rose since I'm graduating and won't be back next year. I guess I'll miss it. My class was pretty fun and so was my teacher. Now I'm free Saturdays and I can sleep in later. :)

That's basically what happened in the month of May.
Right now, I'm not sure if I'm content with life. I was before, but what happened after prom kind of screwed me over, y'know. Now I'm having second thoughts. Or actually just re-evaluating everything. Why? That's what I keep asking myself. I don't even know if I want to know the answer, but it just bugs the hell out of me. Is that really all I'm good for? I don't want it to be. But then again... argh. Why do I even still have these feelings? Grr. I'm really frustrated. I don't even know what to do anymore. Baaah. :(

& here I go, drifting away from people again. AKSDJLAKSDJ.

But besides all that stupid stuff, I'm still doing pretty well in school (except for Anatomy - but who cares). I think I can handle one C on my report card. AP Physics is already over a 100 and I got a 200/200 on my AP Lit paper. Hopefully better weather will be on its way soon. It seems to be raining every day. That should improve my mood, just a little bit.

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